Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Namebrand Bullying

Namebrand bullying is what causes fights,deaths and sometimes suicides. I think that it is very irrelevant how people verbally abuse the less foruate.Eveyone wasn't born into a rich family were they can afford the more expensive clothing in life or maybe just expensive things in genre. Teen have long used fashion as a social weapon. guidance counselors and psychologists today say, fashion bullying is reaching a new level of intensity as more designers launch collections targeted at kids. As a result, an increasing number of school and community programs focused on boy on boy bullying are addressing peer pressure and the sizable role clothing plays in boys identity. In Pennsylvania, California, Maryland and several other states, some schools have started Club or Camp Ophelia, a pair of programs developed by Penn State professor teach girls an boys relationship skills. A "Bully Quiz" the girls in boys take asks, "Have you stopped being friends with someone because she wore clothes you didn't like?" I think  that generally other people favor those who "look good -- the cute kids,". so therefore the other kids are left out and feel bad,as a result there self esteem gets low an really wouldn't care anymore about life, that's were teenage murders and suicides derived from.Several new programs are trying to help parents, teachers and girls cope with bullying.Teens and adolescents are expected to wear not just any designer brands but the "right" ones. "The better brands you wear, the more popular you are," says Becky Gilder, a 13-year-old eighth-grader from Sherwood Park in the Canadian province of Alberta. "If you don't wear those things you get criticized."

As you can see this plays a big fact in life an on teen relationships whether in friendships or relationships.

                   UnNameBrand Clothing                                           

                   Namebrand clothing

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What i think about me being married

          Would you like to be committed to one woman or man ? In the text "Why I Want a Wife" Brady was attacking marriage saying that it would not work out because the man figure doesn't want any responsibilities. I disagree with that statement because women want as much as men do it not more. I feel that marriage would probably be right for me in the future because its a good way to settle down and enjoy life and its a chance to have the family I've always wanted.
          Marriage is a very extol topic. If your desire is to talk to every pretty girl you come across and you know you can't control your hormones,then its not for you. but, Marriage would be right for me in the future because its a good way for me to settle down. I love to explore the world and converse with different woman but, it comes a time when a man should find that special someone. For example, If you
are about 30 years old and under you might like to pursue different women but, at the age 45 and up most likely you are looking for that one woman.
         Although, I could see how someone would say marriage is the wrong way to go because men are always going to be men. If they see something they think is better or maybe just look better to them they're going to cheat. Basically saying men cannot be committed and have no will power. But, that's not true because their are many good relationships in the world For example, Jada And Will Smith also Barack and Michelle Obama. So, i feel for that reason that sometimes it is the right thing to do.
        To conclude, Marriage is actually a mind thing because, if you have that mind set that says I'm tired of this person so i want something or someone else new then therefore marriage is not for you. but, if you would like to settle down and have a family then its the right route to go as you can see.