Thursday, August 30, 2012


There are alot of things i disagree about and agree about in this world but i cant wrap my head around Abortions. I have thought about it and I still cant make a decision because, on one hand I feel that abortions should be band n illegal because you are taking someone’s life for no reason and the person could have been more careful with whom she was laying with and why. So, some of it I blame the women because she should make sure she is doing what she has to do to make sure she doesn’t get pregnant ,as far as telling the man to wear a condom or taking a peel if she has to. So, I am against it on that case. But, on the other hand its not always the women fault because, men have travailing ways. So, if a women was happen to get pregnant or raped  in it wasn’t her fault I feel she should be able to have a abortion because first she was raped it wasn’t her fault, or the man could have stayed in her without telling her what was happening. So, it’s a 50/50 thing see what I mean it could go both ways.

1 comment:

  1. Abortion is a touchy subject-- next time, incorporate some quotes
