Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Romneys hates losing...............


I jus wanted to pull out somethings that was said about Obama and just the election in genre because its so irrelevant what was said by Romney............. Mitt Romney told donors Barack Obama outmatched him by offering "gifts" to African Americans, Hispanics and young voters, according to various news outlets.In each case they were very generous in what they gave to those groups," Romney said, according to The New York Times.
The 2012 Republican nominee, who lost to Obama by 126 electoral votes, said the president courted voters by offering policies–some of them this election year–that appealed to key constituencies in the Democratic base. "With regards to the young people, for instance, a forgiveness of college loan interest, was a big gift," Romney said. "Free contraceptives were very big with young college-aged women," he continued. "And then, finally, The president's health care reform plan, he added, also turned out support from African Americans and Hispanic voters. A spokesperson for Romney, who has stayed away from the public spotlight since losing the election last week, did not return a request for comment about the statements. He said he was sorry and disappointed that he lost but added his team had put everything it could into the election. Romney told the donors he wanted to stay involved in public policy in some form but did not provide any details. In the presidential race, Obama won 93% of African American vote, 71% of the Latino vote and 60% of those between the ages of 18 and 29. Romney, meanwhile, took 59% of the white voting bloc, according to CNN exit polls.

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